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Market Development & Research Manager - Erica Olson

Erica Olson

Erica OlsonStaff - Market Development and Research Manager

No market too big. No market too small. As the NDWC's Market Development and Research Manager, Erica Olson hopes to show every market interested in U.S. wheat that North Dakota grows some of the best. She focuses her efforts in export marketing, trade policy and issues, and research and customer service, working to gain North Dakota wheat a bigger portion of the world and domestic market.

Through statistical analysis of supply and demand relationships, along with the study of production marketing and the competitiveness of North Dakota wheat and durum, Olson has her eye on the world of wheat. She plays a large role in showing foreign buyers and interested markets what North Dakota has to offer them in high quality wheat and the end-products it can produce for them. From organizing trade team activities to watching the ups and downs of the wheat market, she stays abreast of the wheat's daily journey in the world marketplace. Her duties include market study and analysis, and implementation of the Commission's market development and sales promotion activities.

Olson joined the Commission in 2006, coming to us from the North Dakota Trade Office and U.S. Commercial Service where she worked directly with market research and export assistance for a number of North Dakota companies. She also brings with her experience from her internships with the North Dakota Agricultural Statistics Service and the National Farmers' Union, Washington, D.C.

Olson is originally from Mohall, where her family operates a small grain and oilseed farm. She is a graduate of Mohall High School and received her undergraduate and master's degrees in agribusiness and applied economics at North Dakota State University. She and her husband Craig have four children and make their home on a farm near Colfax.

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