About Us
County Representatives

Meet The Local County Representatives
County representatives to the North Dakota Wheat Commission are elected by fellow wheat producers. Country representatives elect a district commissioner, participate in an annual meeting, and serve in an advisory role to the Commission.
County representatives serve four year terms and elections are held in each district on a rotational basis. Elections are slated for the year 2025 for districts 2 and 5, the year 2026 for districts 3 and 6 and the year 2028 for districts 1 and 4. The governor will appoint the commissioner-at-large in 2027.
Only wheat producers who are residents of the particular county are eligible to vote and to serve as county representatives. This means they must be actually engaged in the production of wheat.
For more information on producer eligibility, view the enabling legislation.
District 1 (2024-2028)
Name highlighted indicates district commissioner.
Adams - Laufer, Dustin
Billings - Bock, Loren
Bowman - Schumacher, Colby
Dunn - Sickler, Lenci
Golden Valley - Hardy, Don
Grant - Klein, Joel
Hettinger - vacant
Mercer - Berg, Michale
Morton - Hoovestol, Russel
Oliver - Schmidt, Mikael
Sioux - vacant
Slope - Lambourn, Matt
Stark - Bobb, Jim
District 2 (2021-2025)
Name highlighted indicates district commissioner.
Burke - Christiansen, Eugene
Divide - Jacobson, Aaron
McKenzie - VACANT
Mountrail - Skarsgard, Aaron
Renville - Gates, Del
Ward - Poynter, Duane
Williams - Johnsrud, Dustin
District 3 (2022-2026)
Name highlighted indicates district commissioner.
Burleigh - Goetz, Dean
Eddy - Richter, Brady
Emmons - Bernhardt, Tom
Foster - Greger, Lee
Kidder - DeKrey, Tim
Logan - Becker, Bill
McIntosh - Litsey, Ross
McLean - Fransen, Brian
Sheridan - Pellman, James
Stutsman - VACANT
Wells - Kleinsasser, Jeff
District 4 (2024-2028)
Name highlighted indicates district commissioner.
Benson - Schmid, Doug
Bottineau - vacant
McHenry - Olson, Kellen
Pierce - Slaubaugh, Glendon
Ramsey - Olson, Matthew
Rolette - Martinson, Mark
Towner - Miller, Alec
District 5 (2021-2025)
Name highlighted indicates district commissioner.
Barnes - Flatt, Erik
Cass - Ellison, Todd
Dickey - VACANT
Griggs - Tranby, Scott
LaMoure - Nitschke, Jordan
Ransom - Dagman, Travis
Richland - Beeson, Micahel
Sargent - Zetocha, Roger
Steele - Huso, Scott
Traill - Doeden, Steve
District 6 (2022-2026)
Name highlighted indicates district commissioner.
Cavalier - Zimmer, Griffin
Grand Forks - Jodock, Brian
Nelson - Steffan, John
Pembina - O' Toole, Kelly
Walsh - Kjelland, Aaron