Funded Projects
Funded Projects
The North Dakota Wheat Commission funds wheat research projects that help enhance the competitiveness of wheat and improve quality characteristics of the state's wheat crop. Producers see the direct benefit of the research through new and improved wheat varieties, pest management practices and facilities and equipment that showcase the quality of their product to the world. Funded projects fall into the following general categories:

Breeding and Genetics

Soil Science

Capital Improvement

End-Use Quality

Economics and Transportation

Agronomic Research

Customer Service and Miscellaneous
2024-2025 Funded Projects
Breeding and Genetics
Bolley Complex, 2024-current
Durum Breeding, Dr. Elias, 1990-current
Durum Germplasm Low Cadmium, Dr. Elias, 2011-current
Genomic Selection to Improve Durum Yield/Quality, Dr. Li, 2015-2024
Genomic Selection to Accelerate Breeding Populations in Spring Wheat HRS Wheat Breeding, Dr. Li, 2018-2024
HRS Breeding, Dr. Green, 1992- current
HRW Breeding, Dr. Marais. 2011 - current
End-Use Quality
Crop Quality Survey - Dr. Islam
Durum Quality Research Support, Dr. Manthey, 2005-current
End‐Use Market Development, Dr. Islam, 2016-current
HRS Quality Research, Dr. Islam, 2012-current
HRW Quality Research Support, Dr. Islam, 2011-current
Kernel Structure on Milling Quality, Dr. Manthey, 2021-current
Peltier Complex, 2018-2024
Wheat Quality Research Support, Dr. Islam, 2005-current
Wheat Quality Research Technician, Dr. Islam, 2005-current
Starch Properties/Pasta Cooking Quality, Dr. Manthey- 2023-current
Agronomic Research
Applied Research for Management of Diseases, Dr. Friskop, 2023-current
*Breeding for High Yield/Multi Gene FHB Resistance in HRW, Dr. Marais, 2024-current
*Develop Durum Germplasm w/Improved Yield in Drought, Dr. Li, 2022-current
DON Testing of Durum in Western ND, Dr. Ncube, 2018-current
DON Testing of HRS in Western ND, Dr. Ncube, 2020-current
*Durable Rust Resistance in HRS, Dr. Gill, 2021-2024
*Explore Biochemical Variabilities in Arabinoxylans of HRS, Dr. Islam, current
*Evaluate Fungicide Programs in Leaf Spot Pathogens, Dr Friskop, 2021-2024
Evaluate Germplasm to Stem/Leaf Rust Resistance, Dr. Gill, 2020-current
*Evaluate Simultaneous Impact of 4 Economic Diseases in HRS Dr. Friskop, current
FHB Resistance in Wheat, Dr. Zhong, 2013-current
*Field Validation of N Cycling from Crop Residue, Dr. Cihacek, 2021-2024
Improve Consistency of Durum Seed Yield & Quality, Mr. Endres, 2022-2024
*Improve Screening of Germplasm for Resistance to Wheat Stem Sawfly, Dr. Prischmann-Voldseth, current
Increased Management Intensity for Yield/Quality, Dr. Keene, 2023-current
Method to Detect Bacterial Leaf Streak. Dr. Liu, 2019-current
*Molecular Marker Develop/Introgressions Leaf/Stripe Rust Resistance Genes, Dr. Gill, current
New Varieties High Input Management, Dr. Keene, 2017-current
Nitrogen Fixing Biological Additives on HRS Yield/Protein, Ms.Yuja, 2023-current
*Novel Sources of Resistance Against Disease in Progenitors, Dr. Gill, 2022-2024
Planting Date Host Plant Resistance to Wheat Stem Sawfly, Dr. Prischmann-Voldseth, 2023
Resistance, Dr. Liu, 2013-current to Bacterial Leaf Streak
*Synthetic Wheat for Leaf Disease Resistance, Dr. Liu, 2023-current
*Wheat Varieties for Malting/Brewing, Dr. Jin, 2024
Wheat Midge Survey, Dr. Knodel, 1995-current
Soil Science
SHARE Farm‐Larimore, Dr. Wick, 2019-2024
Sulfur Fertilizer Impacts on HRS Grown in SW ND, Dr. Augustin, 2023-current
Economics and Transportation
Market Development Support, Dr. Wilson, 1995-current
Strategy/Analysis for New Technology Collaborations, Dr. Wilson, 2010-current
Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Dr. Vachal, 1998-current
Transportation Issues Research
Customer Service and Misc.
Diversity of Microorganisms Linked to Yield/Quality, Dr. Bannerjee, 2024-current
Equipment Maintenance
General Research Contingency
Northern Crops Institute General Support, Dr. Peterson, 1983-current
Testing of Quality Assurance/Variety Preservation of Durum, Ag Genotyping Center, 2024-current
Wheat Marketing Center, Mr. Moran, 1997
*Checkoff match to grants approved by the Wheat Research Committee of the State Board of Agricultural Research and Extension (SBARE).