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Wheat Commission Elections to be Held in Southwest and North Central Districts
Wheat Commission Elections to be Held in Southwest and North Central Districts
Feb 29 2024
Elections to fill county representative positions for the North Dakota Wheat Commission will be held in 13 counties in south west (District 1), and in 7 counties in the north central region (District 4) this coming winter. The counties in District 1 include: Adams, Billings, Bowman, Dunn, Golden Valley, Grant, Hettinger, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, Sioux, Slope, and Stark. The counties in District 4 include: Benson, Bottineau, McHenry, Pierce, Ramsey, Rolette and Towner. The elections will be conducted by the NDSU Extension Service, and once election dates have been set, notices will be posted in the official county newspaper.
All active wheat producers who reside in the county, and who have not requested a refund in the past 12 months are eligible to participate in their county’s election. Elected county representatives will then participate in their respective District election to select one producer from their District to serve on the Board of the North Dakota Wheat Commission. The District elections are typically held in late March in a central location in the District.
The Commission consists of seven producer board members, six of which are producer elected and one appointed by the Governor. Elections are held every four years within each of the six districts, with the At-Large position selected in the off year. The Commission board is responsible for setting the budget and developing policy and programs for market development, research, domestic promotion, and domestic and trade policy. County representatives usually meet once per year at an annual meeting, and serve a vital role in ensuring local issues are included in statewide discussions, and being a resource in helping to establish priorities for investment of the wheat check-off.
The term of office for District 1 and District 4 representatives elected this winter will be from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2028. The current District 1 Commissioner is Jim Bahm from New Salem, and the current District 4 Commissioner is Philip Volk from Knox. Bahm has served three, four-year terms and is ineligible for re-election to the Commission, Volk has served two terms and will not seek re-election. There are no limits on how many terms a producer may serve at the county level. Commission positions are limited to three, four-year terms.
All eligible producers are encouraged to participate in the elections. Please monitor Extension updates for your county, as well as the official county paper for notification of election dates and locations. The ND Wheat Commission will also provide a listing of confirmed election dates and locations on our website or through our publications, as frequently as possible.
Election dates and locations for counties scheduled at time of publication can be found here
If you have any questions about the county representative position or Board position, please contact the NDWC at 701-328-5111. You may also contact your local extension agent for more information on election times.