
Breeding & Genetics
The North Dakota Wheat Commissions provides funding to wheat breeding and research at North Dakota State University (NDSU). NDSU supports three breeding programs: spring wheat, durum and winter wheat. Breeding varieties with strong agronomic factors and high-quality end-use traits is integral in maintaining North Dakota’s reputation as an international supplier of premium wheat.
Durum Breeding
The durum breeding program at NDSU is the largest public durum breeding program in the United States. The ultimate goal of the program is to release improved durum cultivars that maximize the economic return to producers with minimum input while providing quality durum wheat to the pasta industry and the international export market.
Spring Wheat Breeding
Many of the spring wheat varieties planted in North Dakota are products of the spring wheat breeding program at NDSU. The program focuses on developing varieties that have a balance of strong agronomic traits and excellent end-use quality. While the program primarily focuses on hard red spring wheat varieties, it also emphasizes the importance of white wheat and specialty wheats.
Other major wheat breeding programs include:
Hard Red Winter Wheat
While North Dakota’s winter wheat acreage is relatively small, providing research funds to support varietal development in North Dakota is key to providing varieties adapted to our state’s climate. The NDSU winter wheat breeding program has released two varieties in recent years which are increasing in acreage in the state.
Genomic Selection Research
The Commission funds multiple longer term research projects that focus on genomic selection for disease resistance, yield potential and other factors that can be incorporated into varieties.

End-Use Quality
End use quality analysis is a priority for research funding. Strong demand for North Dakota grown wheat, especially durum and hard red spring wheat is due to its high quality attributes.
Variety quality analysis
The spring wheat and durum quality labs at NDSU analyze quality on breeder samples under development in the spring wheat, durum and winter wheat breeding programs. Releasing varieties with strong quality characteristics that allow our wheat to compete on a global scale is a top priority for the programs.
Annual crop quality survey
Each crop year brings about different quality characteristics in the crop. Analyzing the quality on an annual basis helps customers plan and make purchasing for the coming year. These reports are shared with thousands of customers worldwide.
End Use Quality Research
The quality labs at NDSU perform cutting edge end use quality research based on industry trends and customer inquiries. Ensuring our state’s wheat crop meets ever changing industry demands is key to expanding markets for producers.
Agronomic Research
The Commission funds a variety of agronomic related research, with many of the projects being relatively short term. This research tends to directly benefit producers and address timely production related issues.
Disease Research
Research focuses on diseases or potential diseases that impact yield and quality of the crop. Research looks at preventative and treatment related options. Fusarium Headblight, rust, bacterial leaf streak and ergot are all covered under Commission funded research.
Pest Management
Current pest management research efforts include monitoring wheat midge prevalence and managing and identifying wheat stem sawfly and other pests.
Input Management
Research in this area focuses on management practices for optimum yield and quality output, including fertilizer recommendations, management strategies for specific varieties, tillage practices, soil health, etc.
Soil Science
The Commission has funded various projects related to soil health/soil science in recent years as this has become an important topic for producers. Recent project areas have included research on the effectiveness of cover crops and tillage practices on soil health and managing acidic soils.

Economics and Transportation
The Commission funds economic related research that looks at marketing strategies, transportation and logistical issues, analysis of GMO and other technology potential and market impacts, and development of procurement strategy materials used in marketing programs for customers.
Customer Service and Misc.
The Commission provides funding to the Northern Crops Institute and Wheat Marketing Center to develop educational programming that promotes the use of our state’s crops via procurement strategies, milling, baking and pasta processing education. The Commission also provides matching funds for SBARE funded projects on a variety of topics and has funding categories for equipment and new research technology contingencies.

Capital Improvement Projects
The Commission has also funded capital improvement projects that provide modern learning and lab spaces to carry out various educational and research goals. Find out more about the capital improvement projects below.